The FCIA Accreditation Committee worked with FM Approvals in 1999 to develop an independent, third-party Specialty Firestop Installation Contractor Accreditation Program to differentiate those that treat firestopping as a life-safety item from those that think the industry is just red firestop sealant. The result of the FCIA/FM Approvals collaboration is the FM 4991, Standard for Approval of Firestop Contractors. This program has become an international standard.
The goal of the program was to develop and maintain a “zero-tolerance” quality installation process protocol program for qualified Specialty Firestop Installation Contractors that could be specified quantitatively to support the use of qualified Specialty Firestop Installation Contractors to ensure better fire- and life-safety in buildings. That goal has been met as the FM 4991 accreditation is specified widely in many types of buildings. Key agencies, such as MasterSpec and SpecLink, and master specifications at leading architectural firms specifying projects worldwide have FM 4991 included in specs.
Specialty Firestop Installation Contractors who have been in business installing firestop systems for at least two years are eligible to pursue accreditation under this program.