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Life Safety Digest, The Magazine of Effective Compartmentation, is a quarterly publication for professionals who want to learn about fire-resistance-rated and smoke-resistant construction for improved installed life-safety systems, as well as the ‘DIIM’ – ‘D’esign, ‘I’nstallation, ‘I’nspection and ‘M’aintenance/’M’anagement - of Firestopping™ and effective compartmentation.  We are the only magazine that focuses on fire-resistance-rated construction, and we build our content around fire-resistance-rated education, information, products, and systems. 

Advertise in Life Safety Digest to reach those influencers and purchasers of fire and life safety systems. We offer a hand-picked circulation that is targeted to those specific groups of greatest interest to those involved with life-safety services – contractors, architects/specifiers, key government code officials, healthcare and educational facility directors, and building owners and managers.


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